Evolution of a Floral Bouquet
I did my first "Floral Bouquet" workshop last night and although I was a little anxious about it, the results were amazing! However I am very glad it was a small group, as it veers a bit from the "step-by-step" process I use in my other workshops. There's more leeway in each step and the time needed for each of those steps or sections varied widely person to person.
Part of teaching is also learning and adapting to constantly improve the experience for students. And if I want to do more of these types of workshops (which I do) I'll need to extend the time or decrease class size - or both.
One great part about teaching a small class is I get to sit and create along with everyone else. As I painted last night, I captured some photos along the way so that you can see the evolution of a floral bouquet painting.
UPDATED 4/14 - I just couldn't leave it alone and added more texture (see last photo).

UPDATED 4/14 - I just couldn't leave it alone and added more texture. Now I think it's finally done: