Liquitex Acrylic Inks - discounted on Amazon

Updated: Feb 28

UPDATE 2/10/24

As you know, on Amazon prices frequently change. The Deep Violet ink is no longer discounted, but the other three shown in the original post (below) still are.

AND... now many more colors are now $3.71! (but I'm not sure how long these prices will hold)

Sap Green

Red Oxide

Dioxazine Purple

Cadmium Yellow Light Hue

Prussian Blue Hue

Vivid Red Orange


I've been experimenting and creating with a lot of different inks lately. One type is acrylic ink. It's different from alcohol ink in that it is water based, not alcohol based. It's similar to watercolors, but a bit more vibrant and also comes in varying degrees of opacity: transparent, semi-transparent, semi-opaque, and opaque. I'll be doing some YouTube videos soon actually showing the differences, but right now I just wanted to share some extraordinary deals I just found on a few colors of Liquitex acrylic ink on Amazon. I just happened to be looking for a specific color and saw that it was on sale for $3.91 a bottle (normally anywhere from $8.99 - $11.99 a bottle!) Then I saw there were a couple of other colors also on sale and scooped some of them up (including a magical metallic, brilliant gold!)

I'm not sure how long they will be discounted, but if you're interested in building, or adding to, your acrylic ink inventory, here are the Liquitex colors that, as of 1/16/24, are on sale for just $3.91 per bottle:

Deep Violet (transparentt) This is the color I was looking for - it is GORGEOUS!

Iridescent Bright Gold (opaque)   I use this a lot for metallic accents - even on other mediums

Phthalocyanine Green Blue Shade (transparent)   

Phthalocyanine Green Yellow Shade (transparent)

I don't have a good green in my inventory, so was happy to find these!

I'll keep an eye out and let you know when I find other great deals!
